On the right is the factory through which you escaped in order to hijack a boat to get to Aurora. Veer right and go down the alley and through the locked gate. As you go towards the docks, turn left over the bridge opposite the steam vent factory (mentioned above). This key can only be obtained after you return from Aurora.This is the factory where The Voice starts if Understone has been downloaded. You have to work your way around this mini puzzle by flipping the switches to shut off the vents so you can reach the key. Near the sewer tunnel to Mourningwood, there is a factory with a staircase inside on the left leading up to parallel catwalks with a bunch of steam vents.

( Cesspools) In the Cesspools (accessed through a hatch in the Wooble-Fuddlebuck-Glimborg Mansion, across from the orphanage/brothel) not far down the tunnel after you jump down a long shaft there is a breakable wooden wall on the right where the path forks.Note: This door was used in the quest One Ring to Find and is not the one used to access the Resistance HQ. Turn right as you enter to find this Silver Key near some metal bars. Run down the stairs under the crane and enter the door to find a section of the Sewers. ( Sewers) In Bowerstone Industrial you'll find a crane alongside the river just across the bridge from The Riveter's Rest (Pub).( Catacombs) In the underground cavern, in the first cul-de-sac on the left after entering from the Catacombs.In the gardens of Bowerstone Castle, behind a statue in the annex to the left (when facing away from the castle) of the Tomb of the Hero of Bowerstone.