Select and double-click on the adapter for which you want to change MAC address.Right-click ‘My Computer’ or ‘This PC’ on your desktop and select Manage.Manually changing your MAC Address in Windows You need at least version 2.0b to work with Windows 10 Your PC will restart automatically after running sidchg.You might need to set your date to the previous month for SIDCHG to work. Open a Command Prompt with Administrator rights, browse to where you saved ‘sidchg.exe or sidchg64.exe’ and run sidchg.exe /f /r /key:3YPCr-vF9fi-R2VB7-ef for 32-bit or sidchg64.exe /f /r /key:3YPCr-vF9fi-R2VB7-ef for 64-bit Windows, make sure there is a space between the f and following / – Get the latest key from this page.